Cartoons - Music - Video Games - General Oddness

  • Name: Corpsephage

  • Gee, that sounds edgy: I have a childish love for Halloween, so I wanted my handle to reflect that. It's a play on the word "coprophage", which means "s#!t-eater".

  • Hobbies: trying things like music-making, game-making, video-making and drawing-making. I'm in the very early stages of learning all this, but I'm enjoying it so far.

  • Likes: fantasy, creativity, carnivals, Halloween, pirates, cartoons, dreamlike whimsy

  • Dislikes: how all my likes make me sound weird and childish compared to other artists



More submissions to come later

  • If you have some money lying around that you're desperate to get rid of, I offer character drawings in my style for those interested. If you would like a commission, let me know via social media DM or email me at [email protected].

Commission Prices:

  • Prices are given in Great British Pound Sterling. If you're ordering from overseas, please check the exchange rates for your local currency.

  • Please check out this link for Terms and Conditions and further information: